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Ebook Liturgical Spirituality by Philip H. Pfatteicher FB2, MOBI


If you have watched a Grand Slam tennis tournament in the past decade, you are probably aware that the game is dominated by just a few international powerhouses. At the conclusion of each tournament, it is likely that you will see Serena Williams atop the women's podium and a member of the Big Four--Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, and Andy Murray--hoisting the trophy for the men. And while there is not a lot of variety in the outcome of these matches, the game of tennis itself has changed drastically over the decades, as developments in technology and conditioning regimens, among other factors, have altered the style of play. Underpinning many of these developments is science, and this book explains the scientific wonders that take the ball from racquet to racquet and back again. Each chapter explores a different facet of the game--learning, technique, game analysis, the mental edge, physical development, nutrition for performance and recovery, staying healthy, and equipment--and is organized around a series of questions. How do we learn the ins and outs of hitting the ball in and not out? What are the main technological developments and software programs that can be used to assist in performance and notational analysis in tennis? What role does sports psychology play in developing a tennis player? What is the role of fluid replacement for the recreational, junior, and professional player? What rule changes have been made with respect to the racquet, ball, and ball-court interaction to maintain the integrity of the game in the face of technological change? Each question is examined with the aid of explanatory diagrams and illustrations, and the book can be used to search for particular topics, or read straight through for a comprehensive overview of how player and equipment work together. Whether you prefer the grass courts of Wimbledon, the clay courts of the French Open, or the hard courts of the US and Australian Opens, Tennis Science is a must-have for anyone interested in the science behind a winning game., Well-known liturgical scholar and writer Philip Pfatteicher turns his attention in this book to "liturgical spirituality" as distinct from "liturgy and spirituality," which assumes two essentially separate disciplines."Liturgical spirituality" is a holistic concept, bringing together both liturgy and spirituality with reference to the interior life of the spirit that is formed and nurtured by the church's liturgy. Pfatteicher acknowledges that there are other kinds of spirituality that appear to flourish apart from and in addition to the liturgy: for example, the spirituality of the desert ascetics of the early centuries of christianity, the devotion of the Religious Society of Friends, and many forms of meditation and spiritual discipline such as the Spiritual Exercise of Ignatius Loyola. The focus of the present volume, however, is on the spiritual life as formed by the liturgy, the ordered form of Christian worship, East and West, Catholic and Protestant.In addition to the form of worship one might experience on a Sunday morning, Liturgical Spirituality guides the reader through and into the experience of daily prayer, the Easter Vigil, the Church Year, the Eucharist, hymns and music, Baptism, and even church architecture as "hallowing space."In 1955 Louis Bouyer published an admirable study entitled Liturgical Piety, written before Vatican II and its far-reaching reforms that fundamentally changed the entire Western church. Philip Pfatteicher has now taken up the challenge of expanding upon Bouyer with a current and invigorating study not of "liturgical piety" but of "liturgical spirituality."Philip Phatteicher is Professor of English at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania, a frequent writer and lecturer on liturgical issues, and author of A Dictionary of Liturgical Terms and The School of the Church: Worship and Christian Formation, both published by Trinity Press.

Book Philip H. Pfatteicher - Liturgical Spirituality in DOC, EPUB, FB2

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